The 2022 AGM and Talk

The AGM of the Lake District Mountain Trial Association was held on Friday 25th November 2022 at Wilf’s Cafe, Staveley. Jane Reedy gave an inspiring talk entitled The Big Five and, following the talk, donations totalling £318 were made for local charity CancerCare.

Andrew Schofield was presented with his award in recognition of his completion of 21 Classic Trials.

The President, Edwin Coope paid tribute to past chairman and trial stalwart Dick Courchee who had recently died. All officers and committee members agreed to continue and in response to an appeal for new committee members to fill existing vacancies, offers from Darren Parker and Nick Evans were approved.

Following Ken Ledward’s update on Joss Naylor’s gradual recovery from his stroke of last year, the meeting resolved that warmest wishes for his continuing improvement should be sent to Joss.

The draft minutes of the AGM are here.

The 68th Lake District Mountain Trial will be held on Sunday 10th September 2023. The venue will be announced in due course.

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